My Southern View, Inc.

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10 Questions with Katie Lance

When I first started attending conferences in real estate, Katie Lance was one of the first people I met. Her enthusiasm and natural knack for simplifying the complicated make her an industry favorite. Affectionately referred to as the Oprah of Real Estate, Katie’s #GetSocialSmart Academy has helped thousands of agents take their social media strategy to the next level.

Not only is Katie a whiz when it comes to social media, but she is a doting mom and wife and one of the kindest folks we know. Get to know Katie a bit better and even a few awesome tips to help you make the most of your time and your technology here.

1. With a new “smart” something coming out almost every day, what products amaze and astound you?

I am still obsessed with my iPhone. I love how much I can do from my phone from keeping track of where my kids are (I love the Life 360 app) to creating content from my phone (I love the app Canva and WordSwag) to managing my team’s projects (I use Asana) - my phone does a lot of heavy lifting throughout the day.

2. What’s something cool you’re working on right now?

We are super excited to be offering office training for real estate brokers. We know so many brokers and office managers struggle to provide valuable social media training to their agents - and so many agents are just overwhelmed with it - we are pumped to offer this in 2020!

3. What kind of projects would you like to do more of?

I would share my story more on stage. I had the incredible opportunity to deliver a brand-new keynote last year at the WomanUP! Convention all about “Living My Best Life.” Sharing my personal struggles and life lessons was incredible and I would love to share that message on more stages! 

4. What is something you’re really proud of? Why?

I am most proud of two boys. Like any parent - I think my kids are pretty darn amazing. As they get older and develop their own personalities and interests - they constantly amaze me. It’s such fun being their mom and although yes, parenting is hard work - they are at such fun and great age now. I am so proud of them!

5. What are you going to be doing in 5 years?

In five years I am going to be almost 50. Holy moly! I plan to be doing more of exactly what I am doing now - living a great life that consists of working hard and playing hard. In five years my boys will be 14 and 17 which sounds crazy to me and reminds me to make the most out of every day. We are not promised any more days so we better make the most of it!

6. How do you relax?

My favorite way to relax is to go to Maui and sit by the ocean and read a book (and completely unplug from online.) There is something magical about Maui that will always hold a special place in my heart. On a day to day basis - I love to unwind by reading, drinking a great glass of wine, and even playing a few games on my phone. Plants versus zombies is one of my favorites right now! LOL! Plus, my boys are great at helping with this game! 

7. With a million things happening at any one moment, how do you manage your time?

I try to start each day with 2 or 3 priorities - things I must accomplish that day to ‘move the needle forward’ in my business - whether it is a call with a client or prospect, a webinar I am hosting, content I am creating, time spent with my Academy members, etc. It also could be something personal - a commitment I made to my family that day. I also work on setting boundaries for when I am working, when it’s family time, when I take calls, etc.

8. What’s the best piece of advice you ever got?

My Papa (my grandpa) always too me, “You can’t be all things to all people.” And, I couldn’t agree more. You aren’t always going to make everyone happy, you aren’t here to serve every - and that is ok!

9. What gets you fired up/energized?

I love listening to fired up positive music. Bruno Mars, Beyonce and Katy Perry are all on heavy rotation at my house. Also - I love a great show tune! I love the Playbill and YouTube channels. What also gets me fired up is just thinking about the legacy we are creating. Everything we are doing now is creating a legacy own the line. I am so fired up about the people we work with, our team, our family - when everything is aligned - your passion, goals, your work and your family - it is truly incredible what can happen!

10. What have you created that you’re most proud of?

My family of course! 

Want to learn more from Katie? Check her out at some of Real Estate’s most popular events or become a member of the #GetSocialSmart Academy here.