My Southern View, Inc.

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10 Questions with Tara Moore

Maybe it is because she is from the Sunshine State, but the moment we met Tara Moore, Owner of Tara Moore Real Estate in Winter Garden, Florida - we immediately felt sunshine! Her happiness and positive energy are contagious but more importantly, so is her love of what she does. As a fellow Realtor Magazine 30 Under 30 (same class), Tara is recognized for her hard work and commitment to our industry, but what we find so impressive about her is how she has always been able to put family first and build her real estate empire around her beautiful family. Operating as a family-business, Tara and her husband Matt have built a client-first real estate company committed to delivering exceptional experiences.

Sit down with Tara for 5 minutes and you’ll feel it too…sunshine. Hope you enjoy our chat!

Who has had the greatest impact on your life?

Honestly...our kids. When you become a parent, you have no choice but to learn how to put someone else's needs over your own. They have taught me how to love, how to care, how to slow down. They teach me something new every single day and every decision we make is centered around the impact it would have on our kids, positive or negative. Without them, I absolutely wouldn't be the person I am today.

With a new “smart” something coming out almost every day, what products amaze and astound you?

In all seriousness, I still have no idea how a fax machine works. I mean, seriously?! How does it work? I have so much respect for my colleagues that are SUPER high tech and innovative, but I would say that I am still very old-school in many ways...and proud of it. I still use an actual calendar book, written to-do lists, handwritten notes. I prioritize the personal interactions & relationships over tech.

What’s something cool you’re working on right now?

I have been on a mission lately to give fellow high-producing real estate agents the permission to pursue LESS instead of more. About two years ago, my husband & I came to a crossroad in our we grow (hire other agents, team members, assistants, etc) or do we continue on with just the two of us? Once we decided that we really wanted to keep selling real estate ourselves and NOT build a large brokerage or team to manage, we found that there are so many others who feel the same but are blindly following the "mold" that our business has created for growth & success. I've been speaking out, locally and nationally, about this and encouraging other agents who feel the same way that it is OK to not pursue growth in their business and that there is so much happiness found in pursuing LESS.

What is something you’re really proud of? Why?

Personally, our kids. They are the kindest & most thoughtful humans that I've ever met...and they make us so proud. Professionally, being named one of the National Association of Realtor's 30 under 30 honorees was huge for me. Growing up in real estate, I would look forward to seeing that issue of the magazine every single year...and then to be chosen myself years later was just surreal. At first, it was about the honor and the recognition...but now, it is about the group of incredible people that it has put me in contact with daily...including YOU, Alyssa! They are truly the movers & shakers in real estate, and I'm just so honored to be a part of it.

What legacy do you want to leave on the world?

My favorite quote is "If you want to change the world, go home and love your family" by Mother Teresa. So often we set our sights on BIG things and goals and dreams...which is wonderful and long as we aren't forgetting that the biggest influence we will ever have is inside the four walls of our own home. My family will be my legacy.

How do you relax?

I am a total book worm. I read one book about every 10 days. I love to read to relax...for me, it is the best way to unwind and instantly remove my mind from the issues or troubles of the day and dig into a great story. I think it is truly one of life's most simple & enjoyable pleasures. I read about 80% fictional stories (my favorite is historical fiction) and about 20% non-fiction (business, personal development and Christian books).

With a million things happening at any one moment, how do you manage your time?

I really think that work/life balance is a myth. Especially as a working mom, I've found that you are never going to truly feel "balanced." I think that if you judge whether you are managing your time well based on "balance," you will always feel like you are failing one side of your life or the other. I prefer to look at my work life & my home life as a pendulum. In our business, there are times of the year that are absolutely nuts...the spring selling season is one. During this time, my pendulum swings completely toward work...I'm working more and away from my family a lot. Then are other times, like summer, when things slow down and the pendulum swings back toward home. This is when we travel and spend more time together as a family...which more than makes up for the times of the year that are concentrated more heavily on work. If I didn't recognize and appreciate this pendulum and instead tried to strive for daily "balance," I think I would not be a very happy or sane person :)

What’s the best piece of advice you ever got?

My dad has always told me that, in real estate and in life, you can never get too high on your "highs" or too low on your "lows." The true magic is staying humble and grounded and enjoying the ride. So, that's what I try to do.

What made you decide to do the work you’re doing now?

Growing up in real estate, I don't know if there was ever really any question of whether or not I would ever end up here. At least my dad wouldn't say so. I spent quite a few years between real estate in corporate sales, which was great experience, but I think I always knew that this is what I was meant to do. Real estate to me is the ability to spend my life in my own way...and to help people while doing so. What a gift it is to be able to spend my days this way.

What’s the best and worst thing about getting older?

I think the best thing about getting older is that with each experience, good or bad, you learn something and it makes you wiser. The older you get, the more equipped you are to handle anything that life throws at you. The worst thing about getting older is that every day older is another day closer to our kids leaving us. Our job as parents is to nurture and prepare our children to leave us one day...but man oh man, I am NOT looking forward to that day!