My Southern View, Inc.

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#FunFriday - February 15, 2019 - Melanie Piche and Brendan Powell

Melanie Piche & Brendan Powell

It is another installment of #FunFriday and today, we’re heading up north to feature some of our favorite real estate professionals out of Toronto, Melanie Piche and Brendan Powell. Together, Mel & Brendan own The BREL Real Estate Team, one of the most productive real estate teams we have come across.

Recently, they joined forced with two other high producing teams in Toronto to create “Canada’s Team of Teams” founding Union Realty - an independent brokerage.

What makes this team so impressive isn’t just their production, which as you can see is undoubtedly impressive, but their knack for cranking out highly valuable and relevant content on their website which in turn generates them tons of business.

There is clearly a BREL difference in how they conduct their business where production is highly valued (and expected), yet they haven’t lost the personal touch required to run a sustainable and thriving business. Their clients rave about them boasting over 400 reviews from past clients on a variety of sites. (If you’re interested you can see some here.)

What we love most about them though is how they have firmly established themselves as the neighborhood experts with their expansive neighborhood guides that cover all of Toronto’s many neighborhoods. These guides cover everything from pricing data to school information and even demographics and honest reviews of the neighborhood. What they’re capitalizing on is helping consumers understand exactly what it will be like to live in a neighborhood versus just showing them a neighborhood like so many real estate professionals do.

It is this and so many other reasons why Melanie and Brendan were natural choices for this week’s #FunFriday feature. Check them out using the links above. You won’t regret it!