My Southern View, Inc.

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Feeling Stuck? Try These Questions to Improve Your Service

Have you ever felt stuck in your business? Maybe your marketing feels stagnant or you’re struggling to generate more prospects. Regardless of what is causing you to feel stuck, we are big believers that the right type of brainstorming can really take our businesses to the next level.

So what do we mean by the right type of brainstorming? Well, feeling stuck can be caused by polarizing forces. Either we get a block where we simply cannot think through the next steps or we get overwhelmed by thinking up too many options. Instead, we suggest focusing your thinking to the most productive ways you can innovate.

Here are four questions we believe make a huge difference in focusing your thinking and upping your innovation!

  1. What would you do if you had a million dollars to make the company/product/service better?

  2. How would you do this if you had a quarter of the resources?

  3. What should you be asking that you’re not asking?

  4. How would you reinvent your current product/service?

These four questions lead to focused, productive brainstorming that will prompt serious action. What are you waiting for?