My Southern View, Inc.

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5 Ways To Leverage Video Without Breaking Your Budget

Video is no longer the next big thing, it is here and here to stay. So many agents struggle to execute effective video marketing because they are focused on high-dollar, heavily produced video and while those sort of videos are undeniably effective - there are tons of other ways you can leverage video and get a great response from consumers. Here are five of our favorite ways!

Promote your actions

Have you ever felt frustrated that consumers question your value? Here is a little secret…consumers question your value when you don’t show it. As agents, you can shoot quick videos at your new listing talking about an upcoming open house, putting a sign in the ground, or even out at an inspection. These are all some behind-the-scenes work that we do that clients don’t often know about but inviting them into the process can be a great way for them to see and appreciate all that you do.

Document the process

So many prospects are “fence-sitters” merely because they don’t understand the intricacies of the homebuying or selling process. Most homebuyers have no idea just how quickly they can go from pre-approved to homeowner and so they will wait until the eleventh hour before taking action. By documenting the process, you’re able to utilize video to better educate your prospects and ultimately make them better informed clients!

Convert those prospects

With 97% of homebuyers starting their search online, the number of online inquiries is at an all-time high. And while responsiveness is key to converting those opportunities, so is the human-element. Have you ever responded so quickly that the person on the other end of the phone wondered if they were talking to a real person or a computer? It happens! Take the time to record a short video (on your iPhone/smart phone is best) to let leads know that you received their inquiry and you’ll be reaching out ASAP. This can give them an immediate level of comfort when you reach them and put them at ease.

Get your clients on video

Videos are undeniably more effective with a personal touch. If you can get your clients to record video testimonials or even put together a brand video featuring past clients, that can be leveraged to connect with future prospects in a really effective way.

Get over yourself

We all get blemishes, no one likes the way their voice sounds on camera, and no, the camera doesn’t add ten pounds - you just look like that. The key to those that are successful with video vs. the ones that aren’t is that the successful few are vulnerable and camera-ready. They aren’t scared to pull out their phones, or turn the camera toward themselves as a medium for conveying their message. Good video comes with lots of practice, just like anything else. Drop that ego, pick up that camera and get to work!