My Southern View, Inc.

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Feature Friday: Jessica Cox

When we first had the idea for Feature Friday, we wanted to make it a place where you came to feel inspired, motivated, and able to conquer all things. Jessica Cox instills that exact feeling for us, or as she puts it “she believes in a future where people passionately pursue their dreams with the resilience to overcome any challenge.”

When we say Jessica is one-of-a-kind, we truly mean it. She is the only armless pilot in aviation, ever. Her enthusiasm and passion for her dreams are contagious. After being born without arms, she became fascinated by the limitless ways our bodies can overcome adversity - and my, has she overcome!

But what we think makes Jessica so feature-worthy is not just that she is overcoming adversity, but that she is translating physical limitations into mental strength and committed to helping teach others how to do the same. Jessica, today we tip our hats to you. Thank you for making the world a better place. Soar!