“What would happen if we studied what was right with people versus what’s wrong with people?” - Don Clifton

Our work is all about producing different and better results. Whether you’re an athlete, a sales professional, company leadership, or simply a driven newbie out to conquer the world - we know that effectively communicating your value doesn’t just change businesses, it changes lives.

And while the coaching industry is filled with a number of amazing individuals that are changing people’s lives every single day - there is a disconnect for some. Some people simply don’t connect with the hustle culture that has been created in recent years. Some people simply don’t feel inspired to hop on a coaching call and talk about what they’re not doing or where they’re lacking.

So, instead, we focus on strengths.

Strengths are the things that make you…well, you. The way you naturally think, behave, make decisions, and feel. And the thing about strengths is that when you focus your energy on developing them -

you are not only more effective and more efficient, but you’re more engaged in the right places. The goal isn’t merely achievement, it is sustainable growth. We attract the most talented, hardest working, innovative individuals from around the country because they know that our coaching will help them build the thriving, sustainable business they have been chasing.

We wholeheartedly believe that in order to thrive, you must know and develop your strengths. We help you discover your strengths; how to best leverage them to grow; how to design your environment to thrive; and how to find the rhythm of your life to sustain it all. That’s exactly what we help our clients do.

As the industry’s only strengths-based coaching organization, we provide you with a detailed focus on what is right about your business and how to do more of those things and less of everything else. Our coaching is rooted in the deep-seeded belief that your most direct path to individual growth and development begins with investing in the things you do well, or your strengths. We don’t buy into unsustainable hustle culture. We’re real people, balancing real lives, and understanding that the delicate dance of a thriving business and an enjoyable personal life is a challenge many struggle with.

We know that each and every individual is unique, talented, and one-of-a-kind, so we have developed our coaching strategy around this principle. We start by having you take the CliftonStrengths® Assessment to identify your unique talent DNA. As a strengths-based coach we work to not only help you identify your strengths, but utilize them effectively, and navigate your talents that are not your strengths as well. Every step of our coaching is designed around the concept of “how can we help you emphasize and build on your natural strengths?”

We get it. Coaching is a big commitment and we don’t take that lightly nor do we expect you to. Try us out by scheduling your assessment and scheduling a 30-minute consult with Alyssa.