Great Expectations


As agents, we are constantly taught that delivering great experiences breeds customer loyalty. Fundamentally, I agree with this principle; but I have always wondered who defines this concept of great experiences? I frequently interact with agents who seem to think they are who defines what makes a great experience saying things such as, "I utilize e-signature software to make my client's lives easier so they can sign from their phones!" At face value, this seems logical, but what about a client who is uncomfortable with e-signatures and lacks the tech savviness to navigate that system? Do you have something in place to make their experience equally as great? If we're focused on delivering great experiences, we must first be focused on who exactly we are delivering for: the client. 

Make no mistake, I do believe that systems designed to make our backend processes more efficient are necessary to make the client-facing processes run smoothly. But the backend is just part of the big picture. The client must define what makes their experience great, and for them - they view the experience as a whole. How do they prefer to be communicated with? What helps them feel secure and well-understood? Are they comfortable with all of your systems? Are you delivering the types of properties they're telling you they're interested in? Are you picking up on the unstated feelings they experience? All of these things matter. And the answers to these questions are what dictates whether or not you are providing truly great experiences.

Think about the transaction like a restaurant...our backend systems such as DocuSign, SkySlope, or other similar backend systems are like the prep station in the kitchen. They allow our processes to run smoother and more efficiently, but do very little to change the customer experience other than change the speed in which we can deliver things to them and sometimes the ease with which they can deliver things back to us. Sure, those things matter, but they normally don't determine whether or not a customer is going to rave about you. In fact, smooth backend processes have become the expectation, not the differentiator. The front of the house is more similar to our client interaction - the sharing of information, scheduling showings, responsiveness, etc. These are all more like the hostess/greeter station. They establish the first impression and really have a much more significant role in determining the quality of our experience. But the key is ensuring everything is working well together. The quality of the product the kitchen delivers is essentially irrelevant if the service in the front of house has been subpar and vice versa. The key is ensuring that your backend systems are enhancing the service you're delivering on the front end to provide a truly memorable experience filled with elements of surprise and delight. 

To deliver truly great experiences - you have to hit on all cylinders. Your backend systems have to run efficiently so that you can focus more of your time on the front end, all while engaging with your audience enough to create personalized experienced. You have to be flexible enough to make adjustments wherever necessary to be worth raving about and after all, isn't that what you aim for? Delivering service worth raving about?