Feature Friday: Dr. Seuss


Today’s Feature Friday is our favorite children’s author, Theodore Geisel - better known to most as Dr. Seuss. Not only did he author and illustrate some of the most popular children’s books of all time, but what we think makes him feature worthy is that he inspired millions of children to follow their hearts, their passions, and their dreams.

Dr. Seuss was a storyteller in every sense of the world through vivid imagery, catchy language, and a sense of fun that left you wanting to turn the page.

We hope that Dr. Seuss inspired you the same way he has inspired so many. And maybe today, he’ll bring a smile to your face.

Feature Friday is a series where we feature incredible individuals who have shaped the lives of others, given back in a monumental way, and inspired us. Tune in every Friday for a new feature of the week and your weekly dose of positive inspiration. If you have someone you think we should feature, please drop us a line at hello@whatsyourdirection.com.