From Want to Must: How to Make Your 2020 Goals Unstoppable

If you’re anything like, well, most people - you’re probably beginning to think to yourself “how am I going to accomplish these big 2020 goals?!?”. The fact of the matter is that falling off track is only human nature. With stats like 80% of adults breaking their New Year’s Resolutions by February 1st it seems almost inevitable. But the key to achieving all that you want in 2020 (or any time) is in your mindset.


You see, most goals falter because they come from a “want” mindset instead of a “must” mindset. People want to be healthier, happier, more successful - but often don’t want to do the things required to achieve those goals. After all, we know that the biggest key to achievement is in consistency and we’d be lying if we said consistency wasn’t hard work.

But shifting your mindset can be the secret to making your goals achievements by the end of 2020. In his book, High Performance Habits, Brendon Burchard outlines the common characteristics of high performers - one of which being necessity. High performers don’t just dream up big ideas, they hold themselves to a high standard of performance. The goals that seem audacious to most, seem not only possible, but necessary to them. As if there is no other alternative.

So, as you launch into 2020 - make your goals more than just words on a page. Make them a reality. Make them necessary. Make them be absolutes.

And, if you need support along the way or an ally to help you understand the best way to do this - we’d love to talk to you about our strengths-based coaching. We’re here to help.