Feature Friday: Kirstie Ennis

Picture this: She competed in boardercross and banked slalom as a Paralympic snowboarder and then ventured into mountaineering, summitting Mt Kilimanjaro (at 19,341-feet it’s the highest point in Africa) to support the non-profit The Waterboys; then successfully climbed Carstenzs, the highest point in Oceania, for The Heroes Project; and then conquered Iliniza Norte, a 16,818-foot peak in Ecuador. She has attempted Cotopaxi, the highest peak in Ecuador, got turned around by weather on Denali, and made it to the South Summit of Everest. She hopes to complete the Seven Summits by climbing the highest peak on every continent by 2021. Oh, and she’s 28.

Got it? Impressive in its’ own right, right?


Now know this - Kirstie Ennis was injured in Afghanistan and forced into medical retirement before she did any of this. What we find most inspiring about Ennis is that she does all of this in hopes of helping others and my, has she! She has turned the concept of a “disabled athlete” on its head, proving how capable she is in spite of whether she has one leg or two. After more than 40 surgeries, Ennis is driven by helping others even creating the Kirstie Ennis Foundation which is aimed at providing financial support to deserving nonprofit organizations dedicated to improving the lives of others.

Feature Friday is a series where we feature incredible individuals who have shaped the lives of others, given back in a monumental way, and inspired us. Tune in every Friday for a new feature of the week and your weekly dose of positive inspiration. If you have someone you think we should feature, please drop us a line at hello@whatsyourdirection.com.