#FunFriday - April 5, 2019 - Brian Copeland


Our #FunFriday feature this week is near and dear to our hearts - none other than Brian Copeland, founder of Doorbell Real Estate

One of the many reasons we decided to feature Brian is that one word comes to mind when we think of him - giver. Brian not only gives top-notch service to his clients, his agents, and his audiences when he speaks; but he gives back to the industry which has given him so much. 

Brian was the 2011 Nashville REALTOR® of the Year; served as the 2017 President of Tennessee REALTORS; 2019 Vice President of the National Association of REALTORS, and advocates for property rights at the local, state, and national association levels. And today, he's hosting an REBarCamp in Nashville (one of the largest in the country) for the event's 10th anniversary! 

Those that know Brian know that he has a larger than life presence and I genuinely feel better for knowing him and am certain our industry is better with him as a part of it. 

If you're looking for exemplary leadership, you need not look further than Brian Copeland, my friends. He's got it all. 

Keep being your wonderful self, Brian! We appreciate you!