10 Questions with Sunni Johnson

Today is an extra special day. Not only are we sharing one of my favorite 10 Questions interviews that I’ve ever done, but it is with my favorite little girl on the planet - Sunni Johnson. In the midst of the chaotic existence, we’re all currently living I’m a big believer in the power of smiles and today, I have a big smile on my face because this little girl turns 10!

It seems like just yesterday that her freckled cheeks would stare up at me begging me to pick her up or tie her shoes and now, she’s become her own person with her own opinions (most of them strong), her own way of doing things (on Sunni time as I like to call it), and a mind that I’m certain will move mountains. So, when I was considering who to interview this week - the choice seemed perfectly clear. Why not interview one of the smartest people I know about what this world could be and what I’m perfectly confident, she’ll make it be.

I hope you enjoy this special interview. I know I did.

What is something you want to accomplish by your next birthday?

Something I want to accomplish by my next birthday would be to finish a whole series of books. Probably Harry Potter because those take a long time or Wings of Fire. Or maybe I could try to finish A whole other series.

What is a small thing that makes you happy?

A small thing that makes me happy is when I mess up on something and other people mess up on it too. Like one time I got a question wrong on the practice math EOG (End of Grade exams) and I went over it and you didn't know it either, so you had to Google it. It kind of reminds me that adults can make mistakes too.

What is the most important thing you think you have learned so far?

The most important thing that I think I have learned so far is that you can’t underestimate yourself. You have to be proud and take credit for everything you do, even the bad stuff. If you don't believe, you won't achieve any of your goals whereas the other way around, if you try your best then that's what matters.

If you could give everyone in the world a piece of advice, what would it be?

If I could give everyone in the world a piece of advice, it would be to have empathy and put yourself in other people's shoes and treat them how you would want to be treated. I bet that if you understand other people's feelings then you could understand how they feel and the world would be a better place.

If I gave you $100 to give to any charity/cause, what would you do with it?

If I had $100 to give to any charity/cause I would donate it to the hospitals. Mostly because of COVID-19. There are so many people in the hospitals because of this virus, and I hope that it would help the doctors care for all of the people that have it, and to investigate further to find the cure for the Coronavirus.

What makes someone a great person?

What makes someone a great person is that they are loyal not just only you but to your other friends. I think that you need to trust each other to be considered a friend. You could be totally different, or you could have multiple similarities. A good friend stands up for their friend, helps their friend, and pushes them out of their comfort zone.

If you could change anything about the world, what would it be?

If I could change anything about the world, it would be to add magic, dragons and make the books come to real life. Sometimes when I'm reading Harry Potter, or talking about it, someone will usually say "Magic isn't real." or "Do you actually believe in that silly stuff?" It feels as if someone has ruined a good movie.

Who do you admire most?

I admire my parents the most because without them I wouldn't be here, and they teach me as I go. I also admire my teachers, because they literally taught me ELA, math, science, and history. I also admire my brother, Ryland. He is very funny and tries to help me, but sometimes he gets a little out of control. But I still love him though!

What do you think you will want to do for a job?

I think I want to be an attorney when I grow up. Mostly because I think that I'm pretty smart and you always say that I would be a good attorney. I do not want to be a judge because I personally think that it's too dramatic.  

In 10 years, you’ll be 20 years old (oh my goodness!). What do you want to be doing when you’re 20?

When I'm 20, I'm going to be at Clemson University, Mastering all of my classes, driving a car, still liking Harry Potter, then after that, I'll go to law school, and become an attorney.

Sunni, you astound me every day. Your will to learn and grow is second to none and your smile has me wrapped around your finger. I am so proud of who you are, who you’re becoming, and how you love with your whole heart. We all are. I can’t believe my freckled-face Goose is 10! Just remember, no matter how big you get, no matter how much you tell yourself you don’t need us - we’re here. Always. I love you so very much, little girl (yes, you’re still my little girl). Happy Birthday, Goose!