10 Questions with Jimmy Mackin


Jimmy Mackin is one of those guys that you literally just can’t help but be drawn to. He runs the team at Curaytor, a full-service digital marketing company specializing in Facebook marketing and advertising. Created in 2013, Curaytor has been featured in Forbes, Inc, The Huffington Post, and USA Today.

But what we love about Jimmy is that he is always eager to help when you need it. He provides honest input and genuine care - something that is missing in so much marketing and advertising these days. He has helped thousands (maybe millions?) created and build brands that embody their personality and human connection all while scaling to last. And frankly, we just loved his answers to our 10 Questions. Enjoy!

1. What kind of projects would you like to do more of?

I love to experiment with new marketing initiatives.  I love to push the boundaries of what’s possible. I love the process as much as the output.  Learning about new ways to create marketing that connects, influences and leaves a lasting impression is a passion of mine. 

2. What is something you’re really proud of? Why?

I’m proud of the team I’ve built at Curaytor.  Their commitment and passion inspire me to work as hard as I can to help create an amazing company to work for.

3. Who have been some mentors or inspirations to you?

I’m inspired by entrepreneurs who break all the conventional `rules of business` and overcome all the odds stacked up against them to reshape entire industries. Herb Kelleher is one that comes to mind.   He was a lawyer.  He had no experience in transportation.  So he decided to get into the aviation business. He co-founded Southwest Airlines. It’s an insane idea and I love it. 

4. Why do you believe having mentors is so important?

Entrepreneurs need outside accountability to avoid believing the lies we tell ourselves. Mentors can act as a second voice to support big decisions, they can provide a fresh perspective to change the way you think about the world and they can help you avoid making costly mistakes by challenging you in a constructive way. 

All of which are invaluable tools to any aspiring entrepreneur or leader.

5. What has been your biggest a-ha moment in business or in life?

I left school to start a business that allowed consumers to search and view restaurant menus online.  

Think Yelp before Yelp existed. It failed because of my complete ineptitude, but the experience of starting a company instilled the confidence in me I needed to realize that I don’t need anyone’s permission. 

I can do and build whatever I want. 

That changed my life forever. 

6. What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read/seen this week?

I saw a tweet today that stopped me in my tracks.  It’s a quote from David Packard and it reminded me to slow down and get focused.  It read: “More organizations die of indigestion than starvation”

7. What’s an average day look like for you?

I think about it a bit differently than most.  As a CEO, there is no average day. I strive to have a good day. In my book, that means I’m doing the following activities: 

  1. Supporting my leadership team with their top priorities clients 

  2. Coaching my clients 

  3. Marketing and Selling Curaytor 

  4. Investing in my own professional development 

  5. Learning new skills that help me provide value to my customers

  6. Taking care of my mind and body 

  7. Spending quality time with my wife and baby girl.  

If I can bat .500, I’m feeling good.

8. What’s the best piece of advice you ever got?

Tom Peters, the author of In Search Of Excellence, had a profound impact on my career.  I read his book and instilled in me the importance of 

9. What gets you fired up/energized?

Solving hard problems in elegant ways.   

10. What’s something cool you’re working on right now?

Nearly ten years ago, I had the opportunity to connect with Marc Davison from 1000watt.  He was one of the first people I spoke to in this industry who made me feel like I could make a difference.  Ten years later, I’ve been lucky enough to partner with Marc, Joel, Jessica, Brian and his amazing team to help Curaytor continue to be an indispensable resource for our customers and industry.  The experience has been nothing short of transformation for myself, my employees and most importantly my customers.