10 questions

10 Questions with Lisa Archer

Meet Lisa Archer, Chief Opportunity Officer of Live Love Homes Worldwide. Lisa has been a longtime friend who has never been anything but encouraging toward me and my business. We met when I was a wide-eyed, freshly licensed agent looking for any competitive advantage I could find and what drew me to Lisa was her willingness to share and support regardless of what stage of the business you’re in. A natural developer, Lisa has made it her life’s work to pour into others and help them succeed.


While Lisa is based in Charlotte, NC, she has expansion businesses in several markets and trains agents worldwide. Get to know our dear friend Lisa more here, and of course - if you’re looking for an awesome team to help out a client somewhere - check her and her expansion teams out all over the country.

Who has had the greatest impact on your life?

My Papa. He was in real estate development for more than 50 years. I learned everything about sales from him.

What is something cool that you’re working on right now?

We’ve been converting our databank over to KW Command (the technology offered by Keller Williams) and touching every one of the 100,000 opportunities that we have met with over the last 15+ years. Especially right now, that sort of technology making connection a breeze is a huge asset.

What is something you’re really proud of? Why?

Personally, losing more than 20 pounds in 2020. After 40, that crap is hard! In 2019, I was also a part of a campaign team that raised more than $3 million to fight cancer. (You can read more about Lisa’s campaign team to cure cancer here.)

Why do you think having mentors is so important?

When they love you, which true mentors do, they help you see the things that you don’t see. Those are the things that are holding you back.

With a million things happening at any one moment, how do you manage your time?

It is all about prioritizing and learning to say no.

What made you decide to do the work that you’re doing now?

After I came back from maternity leave with my daughter at the bank I was working at, the men I was working with did not transfer me to a bank closer to home. I put in my notice right after hitting the whole region’s sales goals and have never looked back.

What gets you fired up/energized?

Seeing others win from something I taught, suggested, or coached.

What have you created that you’re most proud of?

My kids and our real estate team. Each gives me so much to laugh and cry about!

What is the best piece of advice you ever got?

WHO you are in business with matters.

If life is a game like some people say, what are the rules?

Live and love to the fullest!

10 Questions with Trent Zimmer


I first met Trent Zimmer about a year ago at the Realtor Magazine 30 Under 30 Mastermind. This annual event brings together award recipients from any 30U30 class where we come together for a few days to mastermind about what’s working, what’s not, and anything in between. When we were going around the group asking our main takeaways, Trent said “I clearly don’t drink enough water. I mean, I’m not sure I drink any water.” Earlier in the day, I had given a talk to the group about the easy-to-implement things we can do in our businesses and our lives that make a huge impact. Drinking more water was one of them. It has been an inside joke for us ever since.

Trent, owner of The Zimmer Group in St. Paul, MN is all about execution. His obsession with the client experience combined with his undeniable way of connecting with humans is likely the secret to his success, but that wasn’t enough for us. We wanted to get to know Trent a bit better so we invited him to sit down for our 10 Questions Feature. Enjoy

Who has had the greatest impact on your life?

My Mom!

What did you want to be when you were a kid?

A garbage man.

What is something you’re really proud of? Why?

I’m super proud of being named to Realtor Magazine’s 30 Under 30. It has been on my dream board my entire career.

What are you going to be doing in 5 years?

I love teaching and motivating others, so hopefully more of pouring into others and helping them grow their businesses.

What job would you be terrible at?

Anything requiring attention to detail and organization, so probably a transaction coordinator. Part of what helps our team excel is that we do what we’re great at and delegate the things we aren’t to people who are.

How do you relax?

I love to spend time in my garage working on bikes, motorcycles, or building things. It is my way of checking out. And greasy hands also mean I can’t answer my phone or look at texts. :)

With a million things happening at any one moment, how do you manage your time?

Identifying the main pillars and making those a priority. I don’t get caught up in emails or returning texts immediately despite what they say about responsiveness. I decide on my priorities. I also have a great team that takes a ton off my plate.

What’s the best piece of advice you ever got?

“You need leverage.” From that moment, I’ve not only found it but used it. It has made all the difference.

What made you decide to do the work you’re doing now?

I love people and I’m passionate about going above and beyond. I love real estate because it allows me to pour into people with no ceiling on my income or opportunities.

What gets you fired up/energized?

I’M ALL ABOUT FUN! Knowing that the more I grow and the better I do, the more I get to PLAY. Yep, that’s motivation enough for me!

What risks are worth taking?

I’ve always felt like most of them are worth it. I’m a big believer in failing fast and failing forward. Whatever you’re going through or failure you have, just know that it could always be worse. Oftentimes what you learn from your mistakes far outweighs what you learn from your successes.

What would be your spirit animal?

I was an Eagle in high school and an Eagle in college, so I’d have to say Eagle! Cool, calm, collected, strikes at the opportunity, and always well put together and classy.

What have you created that you’re most proud of?

A culture and a brand that people want to be a part of! How cool is that?

If life is a game like some people say, what are the rules?

No complaining or negative energy! That’s the only rule I’d enforce!

If you’re interested in learning more about Trent and his team, you can find him here. Or, if you want to check out the latest Realtor Magazine 30 Under 30 class, find them here.

10 Questions with Jay Thompson

10 Questions with Jay Thompson

Today’s feature is someone I have long admired, Jay Thompson. Most would describe Jay as a real estate industry icon. His undeniable charm and logical way of approaching the most complicated of situations made him an admired and respected Director of Industry Outreach at Zillow for years. Jay has a knack for telling it like it is, yet remaining respectful throughout. Something many people struggle with.

10 Questions with Raj Qsar

With so much panic and uncertainty in the world today, I figured there was no better person to interview for this week’s 10 Questions series than my good friend, Raj Qsar. Raj is the owner of The Boutique Real Estate Group based in Orange County, CA. Not only is Raj one of the leading minds in real estate innovation, but he’s not too proud to share everything he knows with the industry he loves to challenge us all to find new ways of doing things. His marketing is a step above the rest (just check out one of his videos) and when it comes to just about anything - I know Raj not only has everyone’s best interests at heart but delivers with a laugh and a smile. Get to know more about Raj here.

With a new “smart” something coming out almost every day, what products amaze and astound you?


I am pretty sure you know my answer to this... TikTok. It is not just a dancing app where you are being silly. It truly is addictive. And the skills an individual can learn from mastering the app will carry on for years to come. What you can simply do on TikTok used to take a team of five people to pull off 5 years ago. It also gives you some insight into what is trending and relevant in today's world.

With a million things happening at any one moment, how do you manage your time?

I am a huge believer in having a schedule and time-blocking chunks of the day. My routine is pretty much the same everyday (for work and my personal life). The details of what I am doing may change, just like a real estate transaction, but the core is the same.

What is something you’re really proud of? Why?

Probably the fact that back in 2008 I decided to take a leap and shoot a video. And not just a video but an actual movie on a listing. This was back before any of us knew how to shoot video on anything. I wanted to be different. I wanted to stand out. I wanted to give our clients the best chance of success on selling their home (which they tried to do several times before they met me). We had no idea of what we were doing or how to cut or edit the video but it was one of the most critical "ah ha" moments in my real estate career.

What’s the best and worst thing about getting older?

Worst - The fact that you are getting older and realizing that you can not control time.
Best - You truly realize who your tribe is over time. The people that stick with you, love you no matter what and want to do time with you. You also realize that life is full of moments with people (not things).  And every moment is what you make of it and is irreplaceable.

How do you relax?
Ever since I was a kid I have loved the ocean. I am not sure why because my parents really do not love the water. I mean my Mom does not know how to swim? But at an early age, they got us all into swim lessons and started taking us to the beach. In Orange County, I love to relax (in the afternoon) on any beach and watch the sunset.

What kind of projects would you like to do more of?
I think there is a huge need in our industry for true camaraderie, especially in leadership. CEO's helping CEO's navigate the waters we sail every day. Our industry is so complex and slammed with "what if's" that it can sometimes be difficult to have a standard way of doing things. So to answer the question, I would love to be able to reach out to more CEO's and give my time and see where I can assist and have a CEO sounding board where you can throw stuff and see if it sticks.

 What did you want to be when you were a kid?
As you know I went to medical school. So pretty much from college on that's what I wanted to do, but life does take some interesting turns. I found out by going to medical school it truly was not my calling. It's a long story on how I eventually landed in real estate but, for now, it is where I belong. 

Why do you believe having mentors is so important?
Sometimes I think the world puts people in front of you for a reason. There are some really good people out there and these are the folks you need to cling to. When starting a business there are people who have run your race and finished the course and are willing to share their experience with you. Whether they take on the role of "mentor" or simply "friend" it is these opportunities that make you and your business better. No one business person has all the answers, it is humanly impossible.

What gets you fired up/energized?
It has become a trend that most people in our industry will do the least amount of work possible, put in the least amount of time and try to have the biggest rewards. Our team has become know in Orange County as the cleanup kids (and we are not kids anymore). But basically, when a listing does not sell due to over promises and under delivery, we get the call. This is not a business where your brothers, daughters, next-door neighbors dog sitter who just got licensed should be navigating the sale of someone's most valuable asset should come into place to save x%. So coming into a listing that has not sold, charging the same amount and delighting our clients is what gets me the most fired up. We recently took a listing that had been listed 5x by 5 of the top brokers in Orange County and we sold it for full price. We truly care and every single listing matters.



10 Questions with Tara Moore

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Maybe it is because she is from the Sunshine State, but the moment we met Tara Moore, Owner of Tara Moore Real Estate in Winter Garden, Florida - we immediately felt sunshine! Her happiness and positive energy are contagious but more importantly, so is her love of what she does. As a fellow Realtor Magazine 30 Under 30 (same class), Tara is recognized for her hard work and commitment to our industry, but what we find so impressive about her is how she has always been able to put family first and build her real estate empire around her beautiful family. Operating as a family-business, Tara and her husband Matt have built a client-first real estate company committed to delivering exceptional experiences.

Sit down with Tara for 5 minutes and you’ll feel it too…sunshine. Hope you enjoy our chat!

Who has had the greatest impact on your life?

Honestly...our kids. When you become a parent, you have no choice but to learn how to put someone else's needs over your own. They have taught me how to love, how to care, how to slow down. They teach me something new every single day and every decision we make is centered around the impact it would have on our kids, positive or negative. Without them, I absolutely wouldn't be the person I am today.

With a new “smart” something coming out almost every day, what products amaze and astound you?

In all seriousness, I still have no idea how a fax machine works. I mean, seriously?! How does it work? I have so much respect for my colleagues that are SUPER high tech and innovative, but I would say that I am still very old-school in many ways...and proud of it. I still use an actual calendar book, written to-do lists, handwritten notes. I prioritize the personal interactions & relationships over tech.

What’s something cool you’re working on right now?

I have been on a mission lately to give fellow high-producing real estate agents the permission to pursue LESS instead of more. About two years ago, my husband & I came to a crossroad in our business...do we grow (hire other agents, team members, assistants, etc) or do we continue on with just the two of us? Once we decided that we really wanted to keep selling real estate ourselves and NOT build a large brokerage or team to manage, we found that there are so many others who feel the same but are blindly following the "mold" that our business has created for growth & success. I've been speaking out, locally and nationally, about this and encouraging other agents who feel the same way that it is OK to not pursue growth in their business and that there is so much happiness found in pursuing LESS.

What is something you’re really proud of? Why?

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Personally, our kids. They are the kindest & most thoughtful humans that I've ever met...and they make us so proud. Professionally, being named one of the National Association of Realtor's 30 under 30 honorees was huge for me. Growing up in real estate, I would look forward to seeing that issue of the magazine every single year...and then to be chosen myself years later was just surreal. At first, it was about the honor and the recognition...but now, it is about the group of incredible people that it has put me in contact with daily...including YOU, Alyssa! They are truly the movers & shakers in real estate, and I'm just so honored to be a part of it.

What legacy do you want to leave on the world?

My favorite quote is "If you want to change the world, go home and love your family" by Mother Teresa. So often we set our sights on BIG things and goals and dreams...which is wonderful and commendable...as long as we aren't forgetting that the biggest influence we will ever have is inside the four walls of our own home. My family will be my legacy.

How do you relax?

I am a total book worm. I read one book about every 10 days. I love to read to relax...for me, it is the best way to unwind and instantly remove my mind from the issues or troubles of the day and dig into a great story. I think it is truly one of life's most simple & enjoyable pleasures. I read about 80% fictional stories (my favorite is historical fiction) and about 20% non-fiction (business, personal development and Christian books).

With a million things happening at any one moment, how do you manage your time?

I really think that work/life balance is a myth. Especially as a working mom, I've found that you are never going to truly feel "balanced." I think that if you judge whether you are managing your time well based on "balance," you will always feel like you are failing one side of your life or the other. I prefer to look at my work life & my home life as a pendulum. In our business, there are times of the year that are absolutely nuts...the spring selling season is one. During this time, my pendulum swings completely toward work...I'm working more and away from my family a lot. Then are other times, like summer, when things slow down and the pendulum swings back toward home. This is when we travel and spend more time together as a family...which more than makes up for the times of the year that are concentrated more heavily on work. If I didn't recognize and appreciate this pendulum and instead tried to strive for daily "balance," I think I would not be a very happy or sane person :)

What’s the best piece of advice you ever got?

My dad has always told me that, in real estate and in life, you can never get too high on your "highs" or too low on your "lows." The true magic is staying humble and grounded and enjoying the ride. So, that's what I try to do.

What made you decide to do the work you’re doing now?

Growing up in real estate, I don't know if there was ever really any question of whether or not I would ever end up here. At least my dad wouldn't say so. I spent quite a few years between real estate in corporate sales, which was great experience, but I think I always knew that this is what I was meant to do. Real estate to me is the ability to spend my life in my own way...and to help people while doing so. What a gift it is to be able to spend my days this way.

What’s the best and worst thing about getting older?


I think the best thing about getting older is that with each experience, good or bad, you learn something and it makes you wiser. The older you get, the more equipped you are to handle anything that life throws at you. The worst thing about getting older is that every day older is another day closer to our kids leaving us. Our job as parents is to nurture and prepare our children to leave us one day...but man oh man, I am NOT looking forward to that day!

10 Questions with Andrew Flachner


To many, Andrew Flachner is a real estate icon. To me, he’s not only one of the most impactful people in my life, but he was also my wedding officiant. Yep, I’m serious.

Andrew is on the leading edge of just about anything that matters in real estate and has this innate ability to uncomplicate the complicated and help you understand really why you care about data with something fun like jellybeans. Yep, still serious.

He’s humble and loving, goofy and serious, and so incredibly intelligent yet never making you feel less than. He’s the proud Co-Founder/President of RealScout, the real estate industry’s #1 Collaborative Home Search. It is his personable way (along with a kick-ass team) that we believe has been the secret to RealScout’s success. His ability to engage and empower individuals has extended into RealScout’s product and just makes sense. Get to know our dear friend Andrew a bit better here…

With a million things happening at any one moment, how do you manage your time?

I’m a big believer in setting a vision, be it for your life or for your company, and working backwards: What major milestones are required to achieve your vision? What are the annual achievements that tie into those milestones? Quarterly accomplishments? Monthly priorities? Daily tasks? It’s okay to deviate occasionally, but I find that too many distractions (emails, meetings, etc.) masquerade as priorities. It’s important to make difficult trade-offs to achieve your long-term goals.

Who has had the greatest impact on your life?

I’m closest to my mom. I learned a lot from her: empathy, being in touch with my emotions, and what it means to have an entrepreneurial spirit. Fun fact: she started a lactation consulting business that delivered educational content with a healthy dose of humor. She made people comfortable with a challenging part of life that remains -- at least in some circles -- hard to discuss. Above all else, my mom has always been supportive of my wild ideas.

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With a new “smart” something coming out almost every day, what products amaze and astound you?

Living in Silicon Valley, it’s easy to get distracted by bleeding-edge innovation. However, when it comes to smart gadgets, I don’t want amazement and astonishment; I want something that works. When it comes to digital assistants, Alexa--for its ability to answer simple questions, start timers, and adjust our lights--is the most reliable and useful smart technology we have today. Siri, on the other hand, is frustratingly unintelligent.

What did you want to be when you were a kid?

I’ve always wanted to start businesses. From lemonade stands and car washes to dating apps and a real estate tech startup, I’ve always been drawn to entrepreneurship.

What’s something cool you’re working on right now?

It took seven-and-a-half years for RealScout to become the real estate industry’s number one collaborative (agent + client) home search platform. Thanks to that, we’re now able to reveal insights about what homebuyers want, at which price points, and how serious they are. In 2020, we expect this data to help agents stand out during listing presentations and enable clients to sell faster and more profitably.

What kind of projects would you like to do more of?

I’m making a concerted effort to do fewer projects. I’ve been reading Gary Keller’s The One Thing and building conviction that outsized results require extreme focus. 

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read/seen this week?

In order to help curb the housing shortage in San Francisco, a developer is considering building subterranean sleeping pods in my neighborhood. These pods would be grouped in bunk-bed configurations with common areas. I have a ton of questions (and some skepticism) about this proposal, but I’m a big proponent of cohabitation. I think we’ll only be able to tackle major challenges if we keep an open mind to even the most unusual ideas.

What job would you be terrible at?

CPA. I was in public accounting for all of 90 days before deciding that attention to detail is not my strong suit.

How do you relax?

Because I’m on the road so much, I enjoy taking an occasional break to experience local treasures. Although it doesn’t happen nearly enough, when it does, these solo explorations lend me a fresh perspective. In a new city, enjoying a restaurant, going to the theater, or touring a museum feels different compared to leisure at home. More time for introspection.

What gets you fired up/energized?

I’m the kind of person who likes getting things done. That may sound like a given for an entrepreneur, but I can always tell I’ve got a little more to give when I know I’m making a difference--whether it’s for a customer, for a colleague or for the industry. I love being part of a dynamic environment, which means trying to give more than I take.

Want to know more about Andrew? Check out RealScout or find him rushing through an airport somewhere on the road to talk to customers or headed home to his lovely wife, Julie.

10 Questions with Kyle Malnati

Leave it to our friend, Kyle Malnati to see our challenge and raise the stakes!

Broker/Owner of Calibrate Real Estate out of the Mile High City (Denver, Co); fellow Realtor Magazine 30 Under 30 honoree; and host of the Calibrate Real Estate Podcast - Kyle is the quite literally the man behind the mic. In addition to growing an impressive business of his own, he has made it his life’s work to help others live amazing lives and lead amazing businesses.

Kyle is a devoted friend, father, husband, and Realtor® and we think the absolute world of him. We hope you enjoy getting to know him (and maybe even catch our episodes) on his podcast where he recorded his answers!

Thanks Kyle!


10 Questions with Sean Carpenter

10 Questions with Sean Carpenter

Sean Carpenter is one of those people that you literally cannot help but adore. His infectious personality and tireless commitment to leaving the world better than he found it is not only admirable but something that has left a profound impact on me personally. Whether it is a professional question or just needing a friend, I know I can call on Sean as do so many others throughout the real estate industry.

10 Questions with Brian Copeland

10 Questions with Brian Copeland

Father to two amazing kiddos, Micah and Esther and husband to Greg, Brian is much more than a Realtor®. He is an active member of his community, a photographer, and an activist for anything he deems important. Not to mention, his laugh is my favorite.

In addition to getting to know more about Brian, check out his amazing solution-driven, people-powered real estate conference, REBarCamp Nashville. It is one of my favorite events of the year.

10 Questions with Molly McKinley

Molly and Stacy at home on their OMstead.

Molly and Stacy at home on their OMstead.

To know Molly McKinley is to love her. While she may have started as an art dealer, Molly’s story has taken her on a winding path always landing her exactly where she belongs in any given moment. As a dedicated yoga student and yoga instructor, Molly is highly tuned into the power of a focused effort and intention. What inspired her vision was the disconnect she saw so many businesses have between their marketing and their messaging. She wanted to help them be more intentional in how they crafted their message and their connection with consumers. So, combining her yogi passion with her expansive expertise in marketing and public relations - Molly and her wife, Stacy (who is just about the coolest person on the planet) created Intentionalities as a way for businesses to more intentionally love on their people well.

Read more about Molly’s story here. Something tells us that you’ll be taken by her instantly just like we were.

1. What did you want to be when you were a kid?

I wanted to be a famous fashion designer when I was a kid. I used to spend time drawing and designing my clothing store, called Molly G’s. Homeless people sewed the clothes and our warehouse was a place for healing and rehabilitation. I still think this is a good idea and may employ some of these old childhood ideas in my current business model.

2. What’s something cool you’re working on right now?


I’m really excited about the collaborations I’m working on with some amazing people. I’m helping Debra Trappen launch her second book with our MoxieonFire.com collaboration as well as the Lioness Pride project. I’m also helping Shelley Zavitz launch her second book with a project called Your First 365 Days in Real Estate, Rookie of the Year 2021. And, I’m helping RateMyAgent create a powerful campaign called, The Undisruptable Agent. I really love using my creativity to help other people bring their vision to life. This work is greatly fulfilling for me and is done under my intentional marketing company, RedTail Creative and my experiential tea company called Intentionaliteas.

3. What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read/seen this week?

I am currently obsessed with Douglas Rushkoff. He wrote, Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus, Team Human, and Life Inc. He is our generation’s visionary of how corporatism is killing our society and how we need to reclaim the humanity in business. I try to read a book a week and am currently digging into The Holographic Sub Quantum Mind. It’s heady.

4. How do you relax?

I like to take a super hot salt bath, play soft music, light candles and read. If you can’t find me, I’m probably in the tub. I also try to maintain a disciplined meditation practice to help keep me balanced and grounded, especially while I’m juggling so many projects.

5. What’s the best piece of advice you ever got?

The best advice I ever got was, “don’t confuse comfort for happiness.” This life and every moment is precious, so don't fetter it away by being complacent. Seize the day, go big, follow your dreams, listen to your intuition, do the thing you’ve always wanted to do. Constraints are opportunities for creative problem solving. Stop making excuses.

6. What made you decide to do the work you’re doing now?

I decided to launch my business because I had this general sense of dissatisfaction, that there had to be more. We spend so many of our best hours working, so I had to create meaningful work that is aligned with my gifts and highest purpose. I just don’t want to settle on projects I’m not fully committed to. I want to pour my heart and soul into everything I do and needed to create a framework for doing so. 

7. What gets you fired up/energized?

I love to see the Light turn on for others. Most people spend their whole lives in a state of slumber, reacting to life instead of creating life. The awakening process is beautiful and profound to watch. Spending time with like-minded people who are stepping into their passion and purpose fills me up like nothing else.

8. What risks are worth taking?

The risks that are worth taking are the ones we will regret if we don’t try. When we step into our power, we understand that living out of alignment with our personal truth is no longer an option. Taking risks for this highest purpose is not only worth taking, but an essential part of living an intentional life. However, that doesn’t mean you have to jump off a cliff like I have done. I believe you should plan and mitigate pain and suffering as much as possible to ensure you’ve packed what you need to survive the jump. But, I’ve also learned that the fear of failure is actually worse than the falling and failing. The phoenix emerges from ash. So honoring the cycle of life, death and rebirth is needed when taking a leap of faith. We learn from all experiences.

9. What would be your spirit animal?

My power animals are a white tiger who reminds me to be courageous and to trust my intuition, and the red-tailed hawk who helps me observe from a higher perspective, then move with swift, decisive action. I trained with a Shaman years ago and have adopted this sacred practice to help guide me on this journey. This is an active part of my spiritual practice that I have come to trust and honor.

10. If life is a game, like some people say, what are the rules?

You have to know which ones to break. My favorite quote from Pablo Picasso, “Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.” I strive to live an artist’s life.

10 Questions with Shay Hata


Shay Hata may be quiet, but she is a force when it comes to real estate and being Supermom. Frankly, when seeing her posts with her son Oliver, I frequently think, “damn, this kid has a truly magical childhood.” But it is exactly that kind of magic that makes Shay so successful in business as well. Shay goes above and beyond - whether that is for her son or her clients. She is committed to truly magical and memorable customer service experiences and we absolutely love that. Get to know Shay a little better below - you’ll see what makes her so special!

1. Who has had the greatest impact on your life?  

My mother. She was a single mom who quit her full time salaried job after my parents got a divorce so she could open a bakery and both work and take care of me at the same time. As a 4 year old I went into the bakery with her every day at 6am. I learned basic math skills working the cash register, that I could sell anything to anyone and that the customer is always right.  She taught me the value of hard work, that no one is too good for any job as well as how to structure and grow a business; lessons which have been the foundation of my life.

2. With a new “smart” something coming out almost every day, what products amaze and astound you? 

None really. At the end of the day, this is a belly to belly business and technology can't replace that; in my opinion its best use is to enhance your personal relationship with your clients; not replace it.  At the end of the day what works best is getting face to face with people, sending hand written notes, sending gifts and showing clients you care.  

3. What did you want to be when you were a kid?

A ballerina when I was a little kid then eventually a business owner once I was in high school. I've always known I wasn't cut out to work for other people. I'm not a team player.

4. What is something you’re really proud of? Why?  

In my personal life, I'm most proud of my son. He's kind and at the end of the day, that's what's most important. I'm also proud to still be married.  Real estate is my third business; the other 2 businesses I sold to investors. Starting and growing a business is hard on a marriage. I'm glad we survived as there were some tough days along the way.  In my business life,  I'm most proud of starting a real estate business in a brand new city where I didn't know a single person and within 4 years hitting $30M in annual production.  That wasn't luck; that was hard work and strategic business planning.

5. What has been your biggest a-ha moment in business or in life?   

Every time I screw up is an a-ha moment. I make a lot of mistakes, but I'm good at correcting them immediately and putting plans into place so I don't make them again. 

6. What’s the best piece of advice you ever got? 

Listen before you speak and ask three questions deep.

7. What gets you fired up/energized? 

Helping a coaching client get a big win.  I recently had a coaching client who had been working with a buyer for over a year and hadn't been able to get her under contract and had lost out on 5 multiple offers. Both the buyer and my student were getting frustrated.  Within 3 weeks of us working together, we had put in a place a multiple offer strategy and got her client under contract in another multiple offer situation.  I was thrilled! 

8. What’s the best and worst thing about getting older? I love getting older. I'm more even tempered, more comfortable in my own skin, and more aware of what's truly important in life. Life just gets better as I get older. The only thing I don't like about getting older is that I am terrified about something happening to me and not being there for my kid.  And it's way harder to lose weight the older you get!

9. What have you created that you’re most proud of?  Systems. I like to think of myself as the queen of systems. I have a 10 year post transaction follow up program for clients,  a 98 step process for under contract clients; most of which is automated, etc. I have systems and how tos for everything. 

10. If life is a game, like some people say, what are the rules?

Be kind and treat others the way you want to be treated. Other than that, there are no rules. I'm more of a rule breaker than a rule follower. It's one of my greatest strengths as well as an occasional problem.  I tend to do what I want and think is right in any given situation then ask for forgiveness afterwards (or usually just not care that I broke the rule). 

10 Questions with Jimmy Mackin


Jimmy Mackin is one of those guys that you literally just can’t help but be drawn to. He runs the team at Curaytor, a full-service digital marketing company specializing in Facebook marketing and advertising. Created in 2013, Curaytor has been featured in Forbes, Inc, The Huffington Post, and USA Today.

But what we love about Jimmy is that he is always eager to help when you need it. He provides honest input and genuine care - something that is missing in so much marketing and advertising these days. He has helped thousands (maybe millions?) created and build brands that embody their personality and human connection all while scaling to last. And frankly, we just loved his answers to our 10 Questions. Enjoy!

1. What kind of projects would you like to do more of?

I love to experiment with new marketing initiatives.  I love to push the boundaries of what’s possible. I love the process as much as the output.  Learning about new ways to create marketing that connects, influences and leaves a lasting impression is a passion of mine. 

2. What is something you’re really proud of? Why?

I’m proud of the team I’ve built at Curaytor.  Their commitment and passion inspire me to work as hard as I can to help create an amazing company to work for.

3. Who have been some mentors or inspirations to you?

I’m inspired by entrepreneurs who break all the conventional `rules of business` and overcome all the odds stacked up against them to reshape entire industries. Herb Kelleher is one that comes to mind.   He was a lawyer.  He had no experience in transportation.  So he decided to get into the aviation business. He co-founded Southwest Airlines. It’s an insane idea and I love it. 

4. Why do you believe having mentors is so important?

Entrepreneurs need outside accountability to avoid believing the lies we tell ourselves. Mentors can act as a second voice to support big decisions, they can provide a fresh perspective to change the way you think about the world and they can help you avoid making costly mistakes by challenging you in a constructive way. 

All of which are invaluable tools to any aspiring entrepreneur or leader.

5. What has been your biggest a-ha moment in business or in life?

I left school to start a business that allowed consumers to search and view restaurant menus online.  

Think Yelp before Yelp existed. It failed because of my complete ineptitude, but the experience of starting a company instilled the confidence in me I needed to realize that I don’t need anyone’s permission. 

I can do and build whatever I want. 

That changed my life forever. 

6. What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read/seen this week?

I saw a tweet today that stopped me in my tracks.  It’s a quote from David Packard and it reminded me to slow down and get focused.  It read: “More organizations die of indigestion than starvation”

7. What’s an average day look like for you?

I think about it a bit differently than most.  As a CEO, there is no average day. I strive to have a good day. In my book, that means I’m doing the following activities: 

  1. Supporting my leadership team with their top priorities clients 

  2. Coaching my clients 

  3. Marketing and Selling Curaytor 

  4. Investing in my own professional development 

  5. Learning new skills that help me provide value to my customers

  6. Taking care of my mind and body 

  7. Spending quality time with my wife and baby girl.  

If I can bat .500, I’m feeling good.

8. What’s the best piece of advice you ever got?

Tom Peters, the author of In Search Of Excellence, had a profound impact on my career.  I read his book and instilled in me the importance of 

9. What gets you fired up/energized?

Solving hard problems in elegant ways.   

10. What’s something cool you’re working on right now?

Nearly ten years ago, I had the opportunity to connect with Marc Davison from 1000watt.  He was one of the first people I spoke to in this industry who made me feel like I could make a difference.  Ten years later, I’ve been lucky enough to partner with Marc, Joel, Jessica, Brian and his amazing team to help Curaytor continue to be an indispensable resource for our customers and industry.  The experience has been nothing short of transformation for myself, my employees and most importantly my customers.  

10 Questions with Sarita Dua

When I first met Sarita Dua I was instantly impressed by the way she runs her business down to a science. She was speaking on stage at Inman Connect talking about how she was running an extremely successful business but took all of this time to travel the world. As a fellow wanderlust spirit myself, I thought, “wow, she really has this figured out.” Getting to know her has been one of the greatest joys of my career and I have learned so much from her. Check out her 10 Questions below and see exactly why we think she’s so great!

  1. Who has had the greatest impact on your life?

    My dad.

  2. With a new “smart” something coming out almost every day, what products amaze and astound you?

    Weird basic ideas - like putting peanut butter and jelly together in one jar. Like why didn't I think of that?!

  3. What did you want to be when you were a kid?

    The President, seriously. My grandpa called me President until the day he passed away.

  4. What’s something cool you’re working on right now?

    A new luxury condo highrise in Portland, unlike anything our city has ever seen.

  5. What is something you’re really proud of? Why?

    My family. Because your kids do as they see, not as they say. I think we got lucky.

  6. What are you going to be doing in 5 years?

    Same thing as now with hopefully more time for travel or time at the Oregon Coast.

  7. What’s an average day look like for you?

    Start prepping the night before, check in with current and past clients, check-in with my team, and attend to client appointments. I love writing offers and taking listings and negotiating deals.

  8. What do you regret never starting/doing?

    I don't have many regrets and I don't think it is too late to start anything.

  9. If life is a game like some people say, what are the rules?

    Work hard but work smart, Help people. Have fun. You either succeed or you learn. 

  10. What’s the best piece of advice you ever got?

    Have fun. There is very little you can't undo with an addendum so enjoy this.

To learn more about Sarita and her business, visit her at www.asksarita.com.