10 Questions with Trent Zimmer


I first met Trent Zimmer about a year ago at the Realtor Magazine 30 Under 30 Mastermind. This annual event brings together award recipients from any 30U30 class where we come together for a few days to mastermind about what’s working, what’s not, and anything in between. When we were going around the group asking our main takeaways, Trent said “I clearly don’t drink enough water. I mean, I’m not sure I drink any water.” Earlier in the day, I had given a talk to the group about the easy-to-implement things we can do in our businesses and our lives that make a huge impact. Drinking more water was one of them. It has been an inside joke for us ever since.

Trent, owner of The Zimmer Group in St. Paul, MN is all about execution. His obsession with the client experience combined with his undeniable way of connecting with humans is likely the secret to his success, but that wasn’t enough for us. We wanted to get to know Trent a bit better so we invited him to sit down for our 10 Questions Feature. Enjoy

Who has had the greatest impact on your life?

My Mom!

What did you want to be when you were a kid?

A garbage man.

What is something you’re really proud of? Why?

I’m super proud of being named to Realtor Magazine’s 30 Under 30. It has been on my dream board my entire career.

What are you going to be doing in 5 years?

I love teaching and motivating others, so hopefully more of pouring into others and helping them grow their businesses.

What job would you be terrible at?

Anything requiring attention to detail and organization, so probably a transaction coordinator. Part of what helps our team excel is that we do what we’re great at and delegate the things we aren’t to people who are.

How do you relax?

I love to spend time in my garage working on bikes, motorcycles, or building things. It is my way of checking out. And greasy hands also mean I can’t answer my phone or look at texts. :)

With a million things happening at any one moment, how do you manage your time?

Identifying the main pillars and making those a priority. I don’t get caught up in emails or returning texts immediately despite what they say about responsiveness. I decide on my priorities. I also have a great team that takes a ton off my plate.

What’s the best piece of advice you ever got?

“You need leverage.” From that moment, I’ve not only found it but used it. It has made all the difference.

What made you decide to do the work you’re doing now?

I love people and I’m passionate about going above and beyond. I love real estate because it allows me to pour into people with no ceiling on my income or opportunities.

What gets you fired up/energized?

I’M ALL ABOUT FUN! Knowing that the more I grow and the better I do, the more I get to PLAY. Yep, that’s motivation enough for me!

What risks are worth taking?

I’ve always felt like most of them are worth it. I’m a big believer in failing fast and failing forward. Whatever you’re going through or failure you have, just know that it could always be worse. Oftentimes what you learn from your mistakes far outweighs what you learn from your successes.

What would be your spirit animal?

I was an Eagle in high school and an Eagle in college, so I’d have to say Eagle! Cool, calm, collected, strikes at the opportunity, and always well put together and classy.

What have you created that you’re most proud of?

A culture and a brand that people want to be a part of! How cool is that?

If life is a game like some people say, what are the rules?

No complaining or negative energy! That’s the only rule I’d enforce!

If you’re interested in learning more about Trent and his team, you can find him here. Or, if you want to check out the latest Realtor Magazine 30 Under 30 class, find them here.