10 Questions with Lisa Archer

Meet Lisa Archer, Chief Opportunity Officer of Live Love Homes Worldwide. Lisa has been a longtime friend who has never been anything but encouraging toward me and my business. We met when I was a wide-eyed, freshly licensed agent looking for any competitive advantage I could find and what drew me to Lisa was her willingness to share and support regardless of what stage of the business you’re in. A natural developer, Lisa has made it her life’s work to pour into others and help them succeed.


While Lisa is based in Charlotte, NC, she has expansion businesses in several markets and trains agents worldwide. Get to know our dear friend Lisa more here, and of course - if you’re looking for an awesome team to help out a client somewhere - check her and her expansion teams out all over the country.

Who has had the greatest impact on your life?

My Papa. He was in real estate development for more than 50 years. I learned everything about sales from him.

What is something cool that you’re working on right now?

We’ve been converting our databank over to KW Command (the technology offered by Keller Williams) and touching every one of the 100,000 opportunities that we have met with over the last 15+ years. Especially right now, that sort of technology making connection a breeze is a huge asset.

What is something you’re really proud of? Why?

Personally, losing more than 20 pounds in 2020. After 40, that crap is hard! In 2019, I was also a part of a campaign team that raised more than $3 million to fight cancer. (You can read more about Lisa’s campaign team to cure cancer here.)

Why do you think having mentors is so important?

When they love you, which true mentors do, they help you see the things that you don’t see. Those are the things that are holding you back.

With a million things happening at any one moment, how do you manage your time?

It is all about prioritizing and learning to say no.

What made you decide to do the work that you’re doing now?

After I came back from maternity leave with my daughter at the bank I was working at, the men I was working with did not transfer me to a bank closer to home. I put in my notice right after hitting the whole region’s sales goals and have never looked back.

What gets you fired up/energized?

Seeing others win from something I taught, suggested, or coached.

What have you created that you’re most proud of?

My kids and our real estate team. Each gives me so much to laugh and cry about!

What is the best piece of advice you ever got?

WHO you are in business with matters.

If life is a game like some people say, what are the rules?

Live and love to the fullest!