Feature Friday: Martin Luther King, Jr.


In a world where violence seems to rule the day, we want to spend this Feature Friday on someone who was dedicated to social change through non-violent resistance, Martin Luther King, Jr.

King is most famous for his 1963 March on Washington which included the famous “I Have a Dream” speech that so many of us have learned in schools.

To me, Dr. King embodies more than just inspiration that one person can create a movement and make a difference. He is an icon of hope and humanity that this world can be greater than we currently are and constantly work toward a better existence. On Monday, we will honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.. I hope you will take the time to remember the work he did, the difference he has made, and the work we still have left to do.

Feature Friday is a series where we feature incredible individuals who have shaped the lives of others, given back in a monumental way, and inspired us. Tune in every Friday for a new feature of the week and your weekly dose of positive inspiration. If you have someone you think we should feature, please drop us a line at hello@whatsyourdirection.com.