Creating Buy-In From The Right People


In this GSD world, it is more important than ever to have our support and our accountability systems firmly in place yet this is one of the biggest struggles that we hear you facing. We want conflicting things - to thrive in our businesses producing more, more, more year after year; yet we want to be there at every soccer game, family dinner, or date night as well. Inherently, more production comes with trade offs, and while we think it is important to acknowledge and honor those trade offs based on what you want, we also think it is equally important to understand how you can create buy-in from the right people to make achieving your audacious goals more likely.

Whether you’re looking for support or accountability, you need someone that is keeping tabs on what you do and in order for them to have any motivation to do so - they have to be bought in to the result. The key to creating buy-in is asking yourself “what is in it for them?” If you struggle to find the answer you have two options. First, you can find a different support or accountability system. Or, second - you create some incentive for them to care.

Be More Transparent

While our phones are dinging, our email notifications are buzzing, and our minds are swirling - what happens? Our attention is pulled in all directions and more often than not, we’re asking the people who deserve it most but demand it least to make the sacrifices followed by overwhelming guilt. Right? We’ve all been there. But what if your family was fully bought in to your success? What if they wanted it just as bad as you did? All too often, we shield our families from why we’re doing the things we’re doing when in fact, they’re the primary reason why. Instead, when you can create more transparency about the reasons why you’re doing the things you do, they can realize exactly what is in it for them. For example, right before the craziness of the Spring Market, our family always makes an effort to sit down and plan our summer vacation. Everyone gets their say and we work together to find something that everyone is excited about. Throughout the Spring Market as our time is compromised - we’re reminded of the end result of relaxing on a beach or enjoying that trip we’ve looked forward to. So often, we’re motivated by the short-term rewards, but when we have long-term gains that are front and center, we can create buy-in from the people who will benefit from our trade-offs in the long-term.

Pitch the Vision


To create buy-in, you need people to be attached to more than just the result. You need them bought into the process. In order to do this, you’ll have to clearly articulate your vision and confidence as well as the positive benefits of why this is the route you should take. This requires a vast amount of positivity and enthusiasm, which doesn’t come naturally to all of us. While this is similar to operating with transparency, pitching your vision is about more than pulling back the curtain to show people what you’re doing, but why you’re doing it. Why those actions are being taken over other actions, which is a strategic part of your communication. If you struggle with this type of communication or positivity - link up with a strategic partner to figure out how you can effectively communicate your vision to the appropriate parties.

Make Them a Part of It All

One of the biggest reasons why we struggle to create buy-in from important players in our lives is that we approach everything as a trade-off with an “us or them” mentality. Instead, look for ways you can incorporate them into your work life to find a rhythm that works for you. If you’re working on pop-bys for past clients, make it a group activity having friends or family help stamp envelopes, stuff bags, or tie ribbons as you write the notes. Once people can take ownership of their part of an activity, they’ll be much more likely to support and