What is Strengths-Based Coaching?


What if I told you that the way you naturally think, behave, and feel are more than just what makes you a unique individual? What if I told you that these things were actually strengths and when you harness their power and leverage them - you can be more effective, efficient, happy, and productive? This is the entire concept behind strengths-based coaching.

Instead of focusing on your struggles and the things that just seem to be going wrong - we focus on what’s right and how you can do more of those things. Based in decades of research, we utilize the CliftonStrengths® Assessment to help us better understand your natural strengths so we can best help you leverage them and navigate things you struggle with. From there, we work with you to identify scenarios (both real and potential) in your business and your life where you can better leverage your strengths and how you can implement systems and processes to help you manage your weaknesses.

This method is focused on development and helps you achieve more by doing what you love. If you’re interested in learning more, schedule your assessment and consultation with Alyssa.