10 Questions with Brad Inman


Brad Inman has been a true mentor to many in the real estate industry. Acting as a force for change by constantly challenging the status quo and even voicing unpopular opinions at times - Brad cares more about the real estate industry that almost anyone I know. And with his mega-conference, Inman Connect New York fast approaching, there seemed like no better person to kick off our 10 Questions series with than Brad. Luckily for us, Brad is always quick to offer his input.

Get to know Brad a little deeper here:

  1. Who has had the greatest impact on your life?

    Professionally, I had five people who influenced me in profound and meaningful ways. One was an editor, another an activist, a sleazy business development guru, a writer, and a filmmaker. Personally, my parents, my brothers, my first wife Kris, my children and Yaz.

  2. With a new “smart” something coming out almost every day, what products amaze and astound you?

    I got addicted to TikTok. That will end.

  3. What did you want to be when you were a kid?

    Journalist, an entrepreneur, and a college professor. I got lucky.

  4. What is something you’re really proud of? Why?

    The Inman community. They are special and full of surprises.

  5. What has been your biggest a-ha moment in business or in life?

    Getting over myself.

  6. What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read/seen this week?

    An 80-year friend telling me that he came out to his law partner of 50 years that he was gay. The partner did not know. Mind-boggling and very real.

  7. What’s an average day look like for you?

    I no longer have a calendar, an alarm clock and take one-way flights. So not too many plans. I gossip with Yaz every morning, early, as she tells me amazing tales of her life. I ride my bike, meet friends at a diner, swim in the sea and write, all before noon. Then I am set for whatever else that happens. I meet new people every day, not deliberately, but naturally, because I talk to strangers, whether they like it or not. I love to talk to my son Cal and daughter Liz.

  8. With a million things happening at any one moment, how do you manage your time?

    Do not even think about it, but I do use an hourglass to live smartly, and kindly for one hour at a time.

  9. What’s the best piece of advice you ever got?

    Have more checks in one hand than bills in the other.

  10. What risks are worth taking?

    All of them. You can recover from misfires. Humans excel at that.

And yes, we included one more because we just loved Brad’s answer to this one!

If life is a game like some people say, what are the rules? Break them.

Want to see more of Brad and his team? Join them at Inman Connect New York January 26th-31st .