Feature Friday: Kelly Holmes

What we find most remarkable about successful people is that the journey looks different for everyone. Sure, they tend to have certain characteristics in common, but most have a different path and we love hearing about all of them. In fact, that was the inspiration behind starting our Feature Friday Series in the first place!


For today’s feature, we’re celebrating Kelly Holmes, double Olympic Champion still holding British records in the 800m and 1000m. But Kelly’s road to success wasn’t paved in gold. While she was a naturally skilled runner that motivated the pursuit of her sport, track, she was plagued with multiple recurring physical injuries and disappointment. The impacts of these injuries and disappointments built over time leading to clinical depression and even self-harm that continued to impact her until just one-year before her triumphant victory at the Olympic Games.

Holmes has overcome a lot, to say the least, but like many who rise from the ashes, she is motivated to help others and do good in the world. Just one year after her historic victory, she set up the Dame Kelly Holmes Trust. The charity helps guide disadvantaged young people, getting their lives back on track by using world-class athletes to engage, enable and empower, attitudes they need to fulfill a positive life. She encourages the same philosophy that she lives by, nothing is impossible.

Feature Friday is a series where we feature incredible individuals who have shaped the lives of others, given back in a monumental way, and inspired us. Tune in every Friday for a new feature of the week and your weekly dose of positive inspiration. If you have someone you think we should feature, please drop us a line at hello@whatsyourdirection.com.