Feature Friday: Sara Cunningham


On this day of love, we want to feature what we believe is a truly exceptional display of love - Sara Cunningham, founder of Free Mom Hugs. In 2011 when her son told her he was gay, it took years for her to accept it. But over time, love overcame and she began to stand up for her son and the stance that homosexuality is shameful. She not only chose her son, she chose love. And we think that is what the world needs more of.

When Cunningham learned of a couple whose parents were refusing to attend their same-sex wedding she was not only broken-hearted for them to feel anything but adored, but moved to action. She took to Facebook where she made an offer to “stand-in” for any same-sex couples who needed the loving support of a parent even noting “I’ll be your biggest fan.” Look, I consider myself so damn lucky that I am the child of parents who are not only accepting but supportive and affirming of my love for my wife. Sure, it was unexpected and maybe not in their plans, but they understand and honor that my life is not for them to plan. It is my own and everyone deserves love.

Soon, Cunningham’s statement was more than just a statement. After creating Free Mom Hugs, she has built a network of parents and allies of the LGBTQ+ community to support them, affirm them, and educate others about the issues they face. They now have state chapters in 48 states; international recognition and influence; and have given out thousands of hugs and high-fives globally.

Today’s feature isn’t about where you stand on the issue. In fact, I genuinely believe you’re entitled to your opinion and expect the same respect myself. Today’s feature is about celebrating humanity, dignity, and love. And, well, hugs. Kudos to you Sara Cunningham. You are being the parent so many are not capable of being and spreading love exactly how you’re intended to. Thank you.