
Top Tips to Crush Your Content in 2019

We are big believers that content marketing is hands-down the best low-cost, high-leverage strategy for providing value to prospects and generating business. Not to mention, it is so versatile - offering a strategy for agents from a variety of scenarios. Still, the key to great content isn’t only the ideas, it is the execution, which must be thoughtful and relevant to your audience.

As with any marketing strategy, the success is in the consistency and our favorite way to stay consistent is to utilize a content calendar to help pre-plan your content while still leaving space for timely content pieces that can supplement your plan.

When the secret is in the consistent daily actions - we want to make it easier for you to implement. So, we’re sharing our content calendar template (the same one we use here), here are a few helpful tips to executing your plan well.

1. Identify the topics your audience cares about

Different audiences want to hear about different topics and in order to execute a content marketing strategy effectively, you have to consider this when crafting your content. Who are you speaking to? What are the things they care about? What mediums do they utilize? Remember, your content can strike out if you’re just posting it blindly.

2. What frequency can you sustain?


Sure, posting multiple times per day sounds great and yes, the effectiveness is proven. But if you can’t consistently keep to your content calendar, you might as well not take the time to complete one. Instead, focus on what you can sustain (even when you’re busy). What resources and systems can you implement to leverage when your schedule is more packed?

3. Engagement is essential.

Okay, so you have the best topics, you’ve implemented a schedule and system so that you can regularly post - but oh no! You’re not there to engage with your audience when you post! Tisk, tisk! The point of posting is to engage your audience and utilize low-cost marketing tactics to gain a larger reach and more effective conversations. If you are scheduling posts and not able to respond to comments or interact with your audience, you’re missing the point.

4. Be flexible to time-sensitive content.

While we love the convenience and increased opportunity for consistency that prior planning offers, there are also bound to be timely posts that can really generate a lot of traffic and engagement. Don’t miss those opportunities. Consider supplementing your content calendar or even rearranging it to allow for timely content. We believe that sustainable content calendars are split roughly 50/50 or maybe even a 60/40 pre-planned content/timely content ratio.


5. Research but give credit!

Many people fail with effective content strategies because they think it all has to be their content. That just simply is not the case. There are so many resources in our local communities that it makes perfect sense to cross-post content to your audience. That said, be sure you are crediting your sources. Taking credit for something you didn’t create just plain isn’t cool.

We know that creating content is tough, but an effective content marketing strategy can make a huge difference in your business. Let 2019 be the year that you build your content strategy and become a true community resource.

Our Favorite Planners to Win Your Year

A goal without a plan is just a dream

The new year has kicked off and we’re anxious to hear about how you’re making it your best year ever. As we all know, the secret to real success is in the consistent daily actions we take toward our goals. Below are a few of our favorite planners to help you put your daily actions in plan and move from dreaming to execution making 2019 your best year ever.

The 5 second journal

The 5 Second Journal has been my go-to planner for about a year now. I love the simplicity that it offers during my planning time first thing in the morning. Without overcomplicating the process or asking a million questions, The 5 Second Journal has the ability to give you clarity and perspective all while preparing to tackle the day strategically, accomplishing your most important tasks and putting you in an execution mindset.

This is the perfect planner for the overthinker, serial analyzer, or perfectionist because it gives you just enough time to prepare before getting you stuck in a state of getting ready to get ready.

The High Performance Planner

New to the market, the High Performance Planner is truly designed for the dedicated individual. Part planner, part journal - this tool helps you strategize your entire life to be more productive in every aspect of your day. Morning mindset journals help you start each day with both gratitude and purpose, while evening journals help you understand where you excelled and where you need to improve throughout the day. But, the magic is in the middle when you combine all the elements to be more focused, productive, and effective all day long.

Take Back Control

As we kick off June, it is hard to believe the year is already half over. For many, this is a time to celebrate the great success they have had during the first half of the year, while for others, it is time to readjust their focus and get serious about accomplishing some audacious goals. I like to approach June much like many people approach January - with a fresh set of eyes. I try to leave the setbacks of the previous few months in the past and focus on what I can do moving forward to set myself apart and achieve my goals. This is a great strategy to utilize if you're already on pace to crush your goals or if you need a little jolt. 

So, here are a few tips to make this your best summer ever:

  1. Control your schedule. One of the biggest reasons people don't achieve their goals is because they don't manage their time effectively. When we all have the same amount of hours in a day, the question becomes - how is it that some people are so much more successful than others? Despite what you may think, this isn't because they have been given some distinct advantage. What high performing individuals in almost any field have in common is a firm grasp on how to effectively manage their time. Moreover, this has become a true passion of mine. If you feel frazzled or like your time is not being managed effectively, I suggest tracking your time using our Time Tracker. (Here are directions for how to use this tool.) From there, make small adjustments to be more effective. Of course, if you'd like to discuss how to utilize this tool or the results with us, simply give us a shout!

  2. Double-down on your lead generation. Many agents assume that summer is a bad time to drum up your leads because people are taking trips, enjoying time with their families, etc., but this is actually a great time to reconnect with cold leads or to strike with hot leads. The downtime that many people take over the summer gives them the time to consider big life decisions such as buying or selling a home. While you're sitting on the sidelines, another agent may be reaching out and converting that client.

  3. Love on your people. In the same way that summer can be a fantastic time to drum up new leads, it is also a great time to love on your database. As we mentioned, summer is commonly downtime for many so your email isn't getting overlooked or ignored and your call is much appreciated. Summer also offers some great opportunities for a pop-by item such as sparklers/glow sticks for the 4th of July or pool toys for a mid-summer trip to the pool.

  4. Set up your fall/winter. If you've had a banner year so far, or even if you haven't - it is easy to be distracted by the warm summer air, the waves crashing, the lake trip, or even just having kids out of school. Summer is a time when we want to all take a break, and while I certainly encourage soaking up the sun with your loved ones, one of the most common mistakes people who don't hit their goals share is that they took their foot off the gas mid-year. Make sure that you not only focus on your business now but setting yourself up for the fall and winter when people fall back into the hustle and bustle of their day-to-day.

  5. Don't let your past define you. June offers a perfect time to reflect on your wins and your setbacks from the year. I often describe it as a built in reset button. But there is nothing worse than looking back in December and thinking "I wish I would've continued to push ahead" or "I can't believe I didn't get it together." You have the ability to reset, readjust, and recalibrate. Do what needs to be done. Don't wait and rely on time to fix the problem. It isn't going to.


If you're crushing 2018, good for you. Really. But now is not the time to pull back. Not if you want to crush 2019 and beyond. You are constantly building for the future and pulling back threatens that. If you've fallen off track, it is time to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back to work. As Winston Churchill put it, "Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts. Keep in mind, 2019 is only another six months away. You have an opportunity to do great things. Don't waste it. 

Opportunity Actually


Ah yes...the holidays! A time for enjoying your loved ones, snuggling by the fire with your favorite holiday movies and building your business. Wait, what?!? Who can build their business during the holidays? The answer is you can. 

In one of my favorite holiday movies is Love Actually, Hugh Grant says "If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around." Well, the truth is, opportunity is all around during the holidays, you just have to look for it. 

The reason many professionals struggle and stress over the holidays is that they are consciously taking time away from their businesses and not replenishing their efforts in other areas. In real estate, the holidays afford us tons of opportunities to rekindle connections, deepen connections, and make new connections - but just as Grant mentions...you have to look for it.

Here are a few ideas I have for how you can breathe some life into your business for 2018 and make the most of the holiday season...

  1. Write a handwritten thank you to everyone who gave you a review in 2017. This may seem like a no-brainer, but during the holidays, we are often so pre-occupied with sending holiday cards that we forget the value of a handwritten note. The holidays are about gratitude, so what better way to give thanks than to actually reach out to folks who have helped your business. Also, since people are receiving so much mail, they are often more engaged than normal in their mail allowing your note to really stand out.

  2. Prepare a holiday pop-by gift for some of your past clients. A lot of agents are reluctant to use pop-bys as a way to generate business because they have such large databases and think they simply can't afford it. The great part about pop-bys is that you don't have to give them to everyone. Consider segmenting your database to folks that you know stay local over the holidays and who can really benefit from what you are giving them.

  3. Shake hands with 10 strangers this month. Simple, right? For whatever reason, most people are particularly jovial during the holidays. Take advantage of the good spirits and spread cheer. Offer to help a neighbor that you see putting up lights or with a package, pay it forward at the coffee shop, or simply say hello. (Editor's Note: due to the high instance of illness during the winter month's, we also recommend using hand sanitizer or washing your hands frequently. ;-) )

  4. Thank your service partners. Lenders, home inspectors, attorneys, and so on. These folks that you work so closely with all year long deserve thanks as well. Taking the time to write them a note, give them a call, or even get them a small token of your appreciation goes a long way in getting your deals to the closing table all year long.

  5. Set appointments for AFTER the holidays. This is a big mistake that a lot of agents miss during the holidays. While you take the time to prospect, you are discouraged when prospects push you off due to their time constraints over the holidays. Instead of pushing for an appointment now, go ahead and build your pipeline by setting a future appointment where you can kick off your 2018 with a bang!

Whether it is using these five tips or doubling down on your own strategies don't forget to take time for yourself and your loved ones this holiday season. 

Like these suggestions? We have so much more in our Holiday Hustle program!